Monday, 5 December 2011

The survey says...

Thanks to all those who completed the 'Travel Talk' survey I posted last week. It was surprising yet great to find that regardless of the financial crisis, over 80 per cent of you took at least one holiday this year and a few were lucky enough to take more than four. Strangely, it's the 18-24's who came out on top as every single person in that age group, who took the survey, had been on at least one holiday this year - as they say, this is the age group with the most disposable income (at 22, I would beg to differ).

There was no doubt about it that the majority of you, a whopping 80 per cent to be exact, preferred beach holidays with cultural (10 per cent) adventurous (5 per cent) and city breaks (5 per cent) just about making the cut.

I got some weird and wonderful answers for the most unusual item you pack to take on holiday, from old sentimental teddy bears to bin bags and bath ducks. However, the prize for most unusual item, hands down, goes to the person who packs, wait for it, a GAS MASK! You heard.

Showing your adventurous side (not!) 75 per cent said New York is the place they would MOST like to be right now - maybe the majority of you are either budding fashionistas or journalists, who knows? Sydney came in second with 10 per cent whereas 5 per cent would rather be living the fast life in India, followed by Cuba, Turkey and Tokyo (which weren't on my list but were chosen as 'other'!).

The survey also found that a majority of you are not too fond of staycations - well not in this partcular Lincolnshire town anyway. Surprise, surprise... Scunthorpe won the title for the place you would LEAST like to be. And in true brit fashion, half of you confessed that you go on holiday simply to relax and, secondly, to top up the tan!

Check out the pie charts below, displaying results to questions 7 and 8!

Thanks again for taking part.

It looks as though Scunthorpe's oceanic climate and industrial charm didn't quite appeal to many of you.


Russia, the world's largest country, with the one of a kind St Basil's Cathedral, is another unpopular choice. 

The result speaks for itself...

Typical Brit holiday success formula - Sun for the tan, Sea for the fun and Sand...well to lay on and build castles. 

Oh, of course, don't forget to throw in a little bit of local culture!

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